International Conference & International Summer University. Borders, Displacement and Creation. Questioning the Contemporary

De 29-08-2011 a 04-09-2011

international conference

In September 2011, Porto will be the stage for an International Conference & International Summer University under the theme Borders, Displacement and Creation. Questioning the Contemporary. It will be focusing on the encounter between Contemporary Political Philosophy and Aesthetics, with the contribution of several scientific fields within the Social Sciences and the Humanities.

This scientific meeting is hosted by the University of Porto, and is organized by a network constituted by the Department of Philosophy of the University of Porto (Professor Eugénia Vilela), through the Aesthetics, Politics and Art Research Group (Institute of Philosophy ? University of Porto), Portugal; the Department of Philosophy of the University of Paris 8 ? Vincennes (Professor Alain Brossat); TERRA, Transeuropeennes (Professor Rada Ivekovic), France; the Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies of the National Chiao Tung University (Professor Joyce C.H. Liu and Professor Yuan Horng Chu), Taiwan; the French Association Ici et ailleurs ? pour une philosophie nomade; as well as other academic partnerships in and out of Europe (the University of Weimar, Germany; the Copenhagen Royal Academy of Arts; the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Moscow; the École Normale Supérieure de Port-au-Prince, Haiti; the University of Tokyo, Japan; the National University of Taipei, Taiwan). This network was established in 2005 and has been growing and expanding since then, through numerous collaborations and through the organization of a biennial encounter (Yilan, Taiwan, 2005; Chilhac, France, 2007; Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2009; Porto, Portugal, 2011).

The Conference will be held on the 29th, 30th, 31st August, 3rd and 4th September at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, and on the 1st and 2nd September at Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art.

We would like to invite you to participate in the International Conference. The abstract of the paper you wish to present should be up to 250 words and should be accompanied by a short bio-bibliographic note. Please send both to the following address until 1st March:

For further information on the Conference, please feel free to contact us through the email:

Apresentação temática da conferência (português)

Thematic presentation of the international conference (english)

Argumentaire de la confèrence internationale (français)

marcadorConference Programme  |  Conference Poster

marcadorFilm Programme

marcadorChoreographic Project

marcadorBibliographic Installation - Exhibition


Please do let us know your preferences by sending us your accommodation request to with your full name, hotel?s name and dates of arrival and departure, so that we can make the hotel reservations accordingly.

For further information please do not hesitate to contact us:

Accommodations in Porto (Portugal) - Informations

Best regards,
Eugénia Vilela

Organizing committee
International Conference Borders, Displacement and Creation. Questioning the Contemporary
Professor at the Department of Philosophy ? Faculty of Arts &
Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto. Portugal

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