Research Projects

Em construção / Under construction

marcadorFuture Research

The research will continue to focus preferentially on two referentials: problematization and limit.

The first, referring to authors such as Dewey, Bachelard, Deleuze and Meyer, will favour the construction of the problem and not so much of the solution as the core of activity of philosophy of education. Thus, using the contributions of Michel Fabre (2009) and looking at truth as the production of real and not as adequatio rei, it becomes necessary the identification of criteria of justification and verification that include the dialectics between ideas and facts, theories and experiences, unknown-known. In this context, the problem emerges from the relationship individual-task, the problematic as objective structure and the problematic as modality of the sense which, in problematization, is characterized by the loosening of judgment exactly in the search for sense. It is planned, within this scope, the organization of a large-scale international event and the publication of a collective work.

The notion of limit will support reflections about the critical boundaries of human rights in contemporaneity, especially through the appreciation of the unavoidable living of the criticism of dogmatism and indoctrination on this domain. There will especially pondered concepts such as tolerance, solidarity, equality and difference in the sense that their abstract and universal character is being questioned nowadays. These concerns will give origin to talks, articles and one seminar.

Generally speaking, the project will continue to promote anthropological studies that contribute to the reflection of the great problematic of contemporaneity that call on education and its purposes.

The promotion of internationalization will also continue to be basis of the journal Itinerários da Filosofia da Educação.





Página actualizada a 22-10-2009 @ 12:34

