Philosophy of Education and Contemporaneity

Group Reference: RG-PHIL-Norte-Porto-502-882
Time Interval: 2007-2010; 2011-2012; 2013-2014
Location of Group (Host Institution): Instituto de Filosofia / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Principal Investigador: Prof. Doutor Adalberto Dias de Carvalho


The choice of issues to which this research group has dedicated its attention resulted from concerns rooted in the assumptions confronting contemporaneity and which had arisen from the conflicts and impasses of modernity. Thus, the group aimed to develop a specific corpus of knowledge in Philosophy of Education.

The research was based on a survey of the dilemmas facing philosophy when considering education, from the very status of philosophy of education to the identity of the human being within educational and anthropological projects. Thus, it aimed to contribute to a debate which, together with a critical awareness of the contradictions between statements and practices when it comes to Human Rights, includes questioning the coherence, the principles and the very universality of the proclamations and declarations in which they are codified.

Efforts were made to explore critical issues raised in Philosophy of Education, developed from anthropological, hermeneutical, aesthetical, ethical and epistemological perspectives, through the exchange of ideas within the scientific community, and complying with the purposes of dissemination and internationalization.

The periodical publication of a journal was the means by which research produced by the team was disseminated, intersecting participations in the different seminars, conferences and meetings organized.

The edition of a Thematic Dictionary of Philosophy of Education – a result of individual and collective research by the researchers in this line, as well as collaborations from several internationally renowned specialists – comprises a fundamental work in the domain of Philosophy of Education.

Página actualizada a 25-09-2015 @ 16:22

