Translation LAB

It’s part of MLAG’s long term objectives as a research group to make translations available for the portuguese speaking philosophical community. In the context of The Bounds of Judgement project, we start by selecting texts related to the issues investigated in the parallel seminars and intend to start a ‘Translation LAB’ to work with students and also with the professional translators we have worked with before.


Here’s the first contribution – Franco Soares’ translation of RADCLIFFE, Elizabeth, “The Humean Theory of Motivation and its Critics” (A Companion to Hume, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 477-492). Franco Soares is a PhD student from UFRGS (Brazil), working on Hume and his contemporaries readers, who spent the Fall Semester 2011 with us, as a graduate student, attending some of MLAG seminars.


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