ENFA2 (Sub-Projecto do Projecto Unidade) (2003-2005)

Director: Sofia Miguens

The aim of this project was not only the the organization of ENFA2, the second meeting of the portuguese society for analytic philosophy in October 2004, 7-9, at the Faculdade de Letras of the University of Porto, but also making official the connections of the Porto anaytic philosophy group with SPFA (Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia Analítica) and ESAP (European Society of Analytic Philosophy). In ENFA2  besides plenary sessions with invited speakers, there were parallel sessions with submitted papers. The National meeting for Analytic Philosophy happens every other year, and its main purpose is to keep a research community of analytic philosophers in Portugal. The event takes place under the auspices of ESAP (European Society of Analytic Philosophy) and is publicized internationally.

Proceedings of ENFA2: Miguens, Pinto & Mauro 2006, Análises/Analyses, Porto, FL-UP.

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