The Cognitive Architecture of Perception

Juan Vázquez
Putting forward an original analysis of percmvmg as a cognitive attitude, as it contrasts with judging, believing and knowing, the author approaches several issues in the philosophy of perception, such as differences between presentation and representation, the natures of concepts and categorization, the justification of perceptual beliefs and their role in the justification of knowledge. Influenced by phenomenology and by psychology and neuroscience of vision, Juan Vazquez's view brought to Project Bounds of Judgement a standpoint from which to discuss perceptual disjunctivism, our reference position for work in the field. The present volume is a joint outcome of Portuguese and Spanish projects The Bounds of Judgement - Frege, cognitive agents and human thinkers (PTDC/FIL-FIL/109882/2009) and Cognitive Attitudes and the Justification of Knowledge (FFI2009-08828) (Principal Investigators: Sofia Miguens - University of Porto and Concha Martinez - University of Santiago de Compostela).

Juan Vazquez has been Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science (currently ad honorem Professor) at the Department of Logic and Moral Philosophy of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He is the author ofAproximaci6n analitica al pensamiento plat6nico, 1982; Lenguaje, verdad y mundo, 1986; Mentey Mundo. Aproximaci6n neurol6gica, 2007; as well as a large number of articles on philosophy of science, epistemology and philosophy of language. He has been collaborating with the Mind, Language and Action Group (MLAG) of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto since its beginning.

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