Phenomenology Author By Author


Phenomenology author by author

Lecture series organized by Paulo Tunhas, Clara Morando and Sofia Miguens


This lecture series focuses on important phenomenologists. It starts with Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau Porty and will move on to other authors currently working within the framework of phenomenology, including those once invited to Porto in the context of past research projects on subjectivity and rationality in GFMC (Gabinete de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea). Part of our intention with this project is that an introductory volume should result from these initial lectures on the founding phenomenologists. This volume could be used as reference by future Philosophy students at FLUP and by other people interested. With this project we also want to bring out and register the work on phenomenology done in Porto and so we have invited Maria José Cantista and José Maria Costa Macedo, who both taught philosophy for many decades at FLUP along lines which took phenomenology as reference (for contemporary philosophy and for ontology, namely). They will lecture on Merleau Ponty and Heidegger respectively. In their teaching of contemporary philosophy and ontology they have transmitted their knowledge of those authors to many generations of students ? with this Project we want to honour them and keep their work alive.


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Starting November 2010

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