Research Projects

Bearing in mind public space as a concept and the city as heritage cultural, social, architectural or urban, the RG’s main aim is to take account of the spatial and symbolic configuration and significance of this new public space, by examining:

a) the role and place of philosophy in public space – philosophy as an agent of social development;
b) the human condition proceeding from the urban condition as a particular form of dwelling;
c) the urbanity of thought; public space – a space–experience of reception and acknowledgement. By intersecting the anthropological, ethical, aesthetic, political and educational dimensions, as well as promoting an interdisciplinary approach.

The group will try (especially in 2009) to identify the great lines from which it has developed the concept of city, gradually turned into technopolis, reflecting on the relationships between the city, as public space, as the concept of technics, technology, communication, encounter, hospitality, virtual, artificial, hybrid.

The RG will continue to promote interdisciplinary activities, through colloquia, seminars and publications, paying special attention to the promotion of activities of academic character (working closely with the secondary school teachers); inviting the community to take part in the activities promoted by the group (seminars, talks, conferences and colloquia).

The seminars in partnership with postgraduate training will continue to be the main source of recruitment of researchers to the group. In particular the training of PhD and Master’s students and integration into research grantees (BII).

For the publications planned for 2009 and 2010, it should be pointed out: 2 individual books, 2 collective books (including the edition of the second volume of A filosofia e a Cidade), 2 publication of Conference Proceedings (Colloquium 2008/2009 and Colloquium 2010), one of them will be a monographic volume (2009) of the Revista Española de Ciência , Tecnología y Sociedad, y Filosofia de la Tecnologia, Argumentos de Razón Técnica, Universidad de Sevilla (Editor in charge of the special monographic number: Paula Cristina Pereira). And several individual and collection papers of the members of the group in national and international journals.

The RG will continue to reinforce and establish relationships with other national and international scientific communities.

marcadorMain Projects

1) Variations of the human, the hybrid and the non-human in the construction of contemporary civility;

2) To dwell. Configuration of the city as an ethical, anthropological, educational and political space.

These main projects will be developed under the following projects and actions:

a) Habitar. Espaço(s) público, privado e hiperpolítica; Partnership - Universidad de Sevilla, Projecto: “Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad: estudio multilineal de las Comunidades de Conocimiento y Acción en el Ciberespacio”, I P: Ramón Queraltó Moreno.

b) A comunicação e a educação na tecnopolis (Teaching to See: The communication and education in the Technopolis) – project presented to the Vila Real City Hall, duration: 2 years. Coordinators: J. Escola e Paula C. Pereira.

c) 9 PhD dissertations (in progress):

1- "Conflito social e reconhecimento intersubjectivo: a constituição do sujeito ético no espaço público", J. Gonçalves;

2- "Ética, Cidadania e Educação. A Filosofia Prática de Adela Cortina", Ana Vilares;

3- "A ética da emancipação intelectual", Graça Silva;

4 - "Uma Introdução à Filosofia do Design em Portugal", Filomena Machado;

5 - "Os fundamentos filosóficos da Formação Profissional (…)"; Jorge Monteiro;

6- "Problemáticas Filosóficas em torno da Didáctica da Filosofia", Helena Castro;

7- "Identidade profissional Docente e as Novas Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação", Paula Flores;

8- "A literacia audiovisual e informática dos professores e alunos (…) como factor de inclusão na sociedade do conhecimento: ensinar a aprender com os meios e para os meios"; Ana Maria Bastos;

9- "A Reinvenção da Ética e o Regresso do Sujeito (…)"; Regina Farate

d) 5 Master dissertations in progress:

1- "A solicitude em Ricoeur e a terceira geração dos Direitos Humanos", Vera Torres;

2- "Uma negação e uma ausência. Da Filosofia em Portugal e do seu ensino…", Sílvia Ferreira;

3- "O conceito de educação na primeira fase do pensamento de Nietzsche", Hugo Martins;

4- "A fraternidade na comunidade escolar", Hugo Couto;

5- "Ética ambiental e a escola do futuro", Pedro Pereira

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