O RG tem os seguintes protocolos activos:

- Project "Science, Technology and Society: Multilineal Analysis of the Knowledge and Action Communities in the Cyberspace", ­Ministerio de Eduación/FFI2009-07709 (Subprograma FISO) I+D+i, IR: Ramón Queraltó, Sevilla - Paula Cristina Pereira: invited researcher

- Project "Teaching how to see: Communication and education in the Technopolis" (Ensinar a ver: a Comunicação e Educação na Tecnopolis), UTAD/CM­VILA REAL/ GFE­IF - Researchers: Joaquim Escola, Paula Cristina Pereira, Ana Bastos

- Protocol with the Agrupamento de Escolas de Mesão Frio (schools of Mesão Frio), participation in a financed project by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Philosophy with children and young people.

- Protocol with the Direcção Regional de Cultura do Norte: “public space: to see and to think the inheritance”: the role of philosophy in the promotion of cultural spaces (ex: museums) and in the formation of cultural action technicians. (em curso)

- Integration of the RG in the Thematic Network: Science and technology ethics; Convocatoria CYTED 2011, coord.: Josep M. Esquirol, Universidad de Barcelona

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