Rui Vieira da Cunha

Fotografia de Rui Vieira da Cunha

Integrado(a) no IF
Investigador/a no Gabinete de Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea

Rui Vieira da Cunha’s first degree was in Law (2003) and he practiced as a Lawyer for 5 years before concluding his licentiate degree in Philosophy (2008). He has a post-graduation in Forensic Medicine and another one in Teaching. He is a member of MLAG (Mind, Language and Action Group) at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto, where he is a Research Fellow, and is currently finishing his PhD. on metaphysics - his supervisors are Sofia Miguens (Porto) and Mikko Yrjonsuuri (Jyväskylä, FInland). He has published several articles on personhood, personal identity, and connected topics that constitute the bulk of his thesis’ area of specialization and is currently interested in a number of related but different issues in the intersection of philosophy and law (free will, human dignity, human enhancement, punishment, etc.).


Página actualizada a 21-10-2014 @ 11:27

