Research Projects

marcadorFuture Research

In accordance with the objectives of the research group previously stated, the future activity will develop in three directions:

1) Complete integration in the GDRE/AILP (Groupement de Recherche Européen (GDRE) / Approche Interdisciplinaire des Logiques du Pouvoir dans les Sociétés Ibériques Médiévales).
The GDRE/AILP is an international network of studies on the Medieval Iberian Peninsula, which aims at continuing a research that has been carried out for over twenty years now on the literary production and discursive and significant praxes that are organized around the several power institutions throughout the Middle Ages. In the objectives of this large network are already included the research projects submitted to FCT for funding in 2009, which are mentioned next.

2) Portugal in Iberian XIIIth Century Historiography
This project will proceed to an exhaustive survey of the sections of XIIIth Century Iberian historiographic texts (many still unedited) that take Portugal as a theme (this may lead to the detection of texts that are lost but left identifiable traces in later works); it will also inventory, for that period, Portuguese texts that were known by Iberian historiography, and inversely, Iberian texts that circulated in Portugal. As a result, the identified text passages will be gathered and edited in an anthology that will serve future researchers. This volume will be followed by another one presenting studies aimed at clarifying the phases of writing and the circuit followed by the texts, the circles where they were produced and their ideologic frame and implications. For the first time, the portion dedicated to Portugal by XIIIth c. Iberian historiography will be identified, gathered and systematically studied in order to be made available both to scholars and to a wider public.

3) Western Iberian Medieval Arthurian Inventory
Project submitted to FCT for funding in 2008. Based on a careful research of the Iberian Arthurian materials that have come to our days, focused not so much on the romance of which they are a testimony, but more on the variants and material specifications they carry, this project aims to establish with great detail the diffusion of Arthurian Cycle through Iberian lands and the circles where they were known and read throughout the various centuries.

Página actualizada a 20-10-2014 @ 21:55

