Heuristics and Sources for the Study of Medieval Philosophy

Group Reference: RG-PHIL-Norte-Porto-502-2815
Time Interval: 2007-2010; 2011-2012; 2013-2014
Location of Group (Host Institution): Instituto de Filosofia / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Investigador Responsável: Prof. Doutor José Meirinhos

This group was created within the structure of the Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval (GFM) in order to integrate and develop the previous research accomplished in different lines of research.

The setting of a number of projects on Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy and culture institutions is intended to facilitate the management, to integrate resources, and to further broaden the diffusion of the results.

This group in an integrated way comprises:
• the access to research tools (library, equipment, databases);
• discussion meetings (informal seminaries, colloquia);
• production of research instruments (directories, catalogues of manuscripts, dictionaries);
• processes of diffusion of research (journal, publications, website).


FCT funded project

Imago mundi - Medieval Philosophy in Text and Translation (IM.MPTT-1)


Main activities

see: http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities

General Objectives

The main aim of the RG is to further provide the GFM with all the necessary conditions to become the most important and best-equipped centre of research on Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy both in Portugal and in the Iberian Peninsula, and thus render it, in the medium run, a centre of reference of international level.

The group has as concomitant aims:
• to make available to the researchers the necessary resources for the accomplishment of both their own projects and the projects of the centre;
• to institute also high standards of quality and of constant updating of the research’s methodologies, submitting them to discussion;
• to render GFM as a centre of attraction to foreign graduated students;
• to collaborate with similar institutes and projects, national and international;
• to produce critical editions of medieval texts.

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