Research Projects

Given the previous know-how, the group is restructured in different projects for the period 2007-2010:

The reception of Aristotle in the Portuguese schools and university (commentary/study of works, problems, and sciences).

Aristotelianism and Peripateticism in dialogue/opposition to other philosophical schools. Reactions to Aristotelianism.

Aristotle in vulgar literature and the establishment of the Portuguese philosophical lexicon.

Philosophical censorship of Aristotelian doctrines and Aristotelianism as a dogmatic constrain of free research.

Scholasticism and the sources of Philosophy in Brazil (Jesuit, Franciscan and Dominican), coord. by R. Pich.

Aristotelian and peripatetic manuscripts in Portuguese libraries

Bio-bibliographical database of Aristotelian commentators in Portugal.

Other Projects

In medium term, it is scheduled the publication of a dictionary of authors of the XII-XVII centuries. The results of the onomastic, bibliographical and codicological research will be published within the framework of the collaboration with the "Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi" and the bibliographical bulletin "Medioevo Latino", of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, both published by the Edizioni del Galluzzo, Florence. Collaboration was requested and will be paid to several projects of foreign scholars (O. Weijers, Ch. Lohr, etc).

During this period, 3 to 5 books will be published (proceedings, thematic books or devoted to specific authors, translations, etc.).

Continuity will be given to the on-line open access to integral texts, manuscript databases and bibliographies.

Other international diffusion of the accomplished research is estimated. Special sessions in international congresses will be organized, namely in Palermo 2007 (Aristotle and the Peripatisms in Portugal during the Middle Ages: 3 papers).

An international congress will be organized: “Figuras e temas do aristotelismo em Portugal” (Porto 2010).

Three PhD dissertation investigations will begin within the next few years: one of them, appointed to begin in 2007, by A. Vitória, on the schools and university curriculum in Portugal in the XII and XIII centuries.

All activities will be carried out in collaboration with foreign scholars and research centers.

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