Discipline with No Name - Editorial project on theory, practices and paradigms of drawing

marcadorDiscipline with No Name

Editorial project on theory, practices and paradigms of drawing | directed by Pedro A.H. Paixão for Assírio & Alvim | developed within the APARG-IFUP


This project was created to establish a communitarian ground where to share, think and make readable an ongoing debate on contemporaneity and its problematics developed through drawing theory and practices. At its core there’s an urgency to expose inquiries that on their questioning question simultaneously their proper epistemological status, reality and pertinence.

The project was initiated in 2006 as a collaboration between the Lisbon editorial house Assírio & Alvim and the artist and scholar Pedro A.H. Paixão. In 2009 was integrated as a research platform at the Aesthetics, Politics and Art Research Group of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Porto.

The first volumes were build and published in portuguese, however, the intent is to develop new partnerships with other language publishers and institutions or groups, and publish part of the materials in an english web-platform. The project’s web-site will maintain the debate alive by presenting the materials of each singular project, by opening a direct space for dialogue and by announcing calls for collaboration, publication and inform about ways to support the researches.

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Página actualizada a 08-07-2011 @ 11:12

