Seminar of Medieval Literature, Thought and Society

Group Reference: RG-PHIL-Norte-Porto-502-1450
Time Interval: 2007-2010; 2011-2012; 2013-2014
Location of Group (Host Institution): Instituto de Filosofia / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Investigador Responsável: Prof. Doutor José Carlos Ribeiro Miranda

Website --> SMELPS

FCT funded project



  The present line of research emanates from a group of university professors, researchers and post-graduate students whose scientific interests focus on the literary production that converged in Portugal during the Middle Ages and which, in some cases, irradiated from Portugal to other Iberian Kingdoms. It will deal with the broad fields of (a) historiography, (b) arthurian romance and (c) Galician-Portuguese lyrics. The team is part of the Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval.

(a) Historiography

-Determining the conditions of conception and redaction of the Primeira Crónica Portuguesa;
-Evaluating the relative chronological position and the context of redaction of the historiographic fragments that integrate Ms. A (of B.N.Madrid), namely the so called Galician-Portuguese Liber Regum and the Galician-Portuguese translation of the Crónica de Castilla;
-Reapreciating the historical and literary issues that have to do with the translation into Portuguese of the Arab chronicle of Al Razi;
-Ascertaining the existence of a project of Iberian Crónica Geral in Portugal during the times of king Dinis;
-Proceeding with the study of the two versions of Crónica Geral de Espanha de 1344 (the primitive one and the reformulation c. 1400);
-Enlarging the knowledge about Conde de Barcelos sources for his historiographic and genealogical writings, with emphasis on his rewriting of material issued from the alfonsine Scriptorium.
-Surveying the influence of Iberian Latin and vernacular historiographic writings in Portuguese literature and thought (in collaboration with other research lines undertaken by the GFM).

(b) Arthurian romance

-Proceeding with the study of the configuration of Arthurian romance in Portugal;
-Accurately estimating the position of the cycle of romances translated in Portugal by the end of the XIIIth century in the context of French and European romance;
-Carry out a critical revision of the editions of arthurian romance in Galician-Portuguese which have been produced up to the present, and contribute to the edition of unedited texts;
- Appraising the presence of discoursive practics typical of arthurian romance in other literary genres, namely in historiographic writing;
- Appraising the impact of Arthurian romance in the conformation of social pragmatics and in the diffusion of socio-symbolic codes in Portugal and in the Iberian Peninsula;
-Ascertaining how recurrent themes in Arthurian romance, such as love or political theology, influenced Portuguese late Medieval thought (in collaboration with other lines of research undertaken by Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval).

(c) Galician-Portuguese lyrics

-Proceeding with the study of the specific poetic and cultural features that define the first two generations Galician-Portuguese poets, in terms of authors, texts, and social and geographic background;
-Contributing to de definition of the specific poetic codes of Galician-Portuguese lyrics;
-Enlarging comparative studies on the production of the first two generations of Galician-Portuguese poets to the literary, artistic and philosophic modalities of representation converging in Iberia during the XIIth and XIIIth centuries, with special regard to Latin, Hebraic and Arabic cultural domains (in collaboration with other research lines undertaken by the GFM).

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