Base de dados sobre a Matéria Cavaleiresca Portuguesa dos séculos XVI a XVIII

Director: Aurelio Vargas Díaz Toledo

Base de dados sobre a Matéria Cavaleiresca Portuguesa dos séculos XVI a XVIII



Our research project is to create an Interactive Digital Database on the subject of the Portuguese chivalric Fiction from the XVIth-XVIIIth centuries, a large corpus that, despite its importance in the Portuguese culture, has been systematically neglected by the critics.

To achieve this goal, we will begin, first, by analysing the Portuguese romances, printed and manuscripts.Then we focus on another set of texts directly related to the books of chivalry, such as the Short Stories of Chivalry, the Theatre Plays or the knightly tournaments inspired on romances of chivalry. Another line of research will be oriented towards the European transmission of the Portuguese romances of chivalry and their different translations. We also intend to offer an interdisciplinary approach to this project by comparing the books of chivalry with the chronicles of the XVIth century, whose military episodes are often inspired by chivalric fiction. We will also see the relations between Portuguese and Castilian chivalric fictions, since their connections are deep and pertinent.

The originality and the final idea of the project is both a comparative vision and its interactive nature, since all this information will be available to the scientific community, what will signify a turning point on the investigation and knowledge about chivalric fiction.

With the fulfilment of this project, that we aim that lasts 5 years, we assume on one hand, to consolidate our research career and, on the other hand, to achieve scientific independence and solidity. In this regard, we believe that the various activities that we propose on this project will help us achieve these goals. These activities include the organization of international congresses on chivalric books, journal publications, bibliographic actualization and anthologies on each of the thematic blocks which make up this project, and the creation of a working group for the edition of texts of chivalry. This will give us the experience we need to become the leader of a research team and to get in the future national or international funding in competitive calls.

This project is integrated in the scientific goals and strategies of the host institution, which takes several years dedicated to the Arthurian romance and chivalric literature, two of this research group privileged areas of study.Our project, therefore, aims to reinforce and complete these lines of research by extending the study of this genre to the XVIth-XVIIIth centuries.


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