Models of Virtues (22-23, March, 2013)

De 22-03-2013 a 23-03-2013

International Meeting

The Role of Virtues in Sermons and Hagiography for new Saints' Cult
(13th to 15th Century)

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
22–23 March 2013
Sala 203

(A. Lorenzetti, Maestà, c. 1335. © Museo di Arte Sacra, Massa Marittima)


Poster (pdf)

Flyer with Program (pdf)

Program & Abstracts (pdf)

   The meeting intends to address the role of the theories on virtues within the discourse and cult of new saints (13th to 15th century). Despite its late medieval institution and development, canonization is not sufficient to determine the success of a new saint’s cult. In fact, cults could remain confined within a limited geographic area or social group and never be celebrated throughout Christendom. In some cases, however, the inclusion in the Catalogus sanctorum marks the commencement or the continuation of a broad and shared devotion. Such devotion, which finds its highest expression in a series of devotional practices, may also reinterpret the figure of the saint and his/her virtues. In fact, each cult may have required an adaptation of these virtues, sometimes to aid its growth if it was not yet well established, and also to keep it fervent and relevant in order to respond to believers’ changing expectations and needs.
      The conference will raise the problem of studying the relationship between communication and devotion for the holiness of saints during the period from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, a period that saw the affirmation of the new mendicant orders. Special attention will be given to specific virtues that were proposed for each saint.  It was in this period, in fact, that preachers and hagiographers started to present holiness not as a result of saints’ miracles, but of their virtues. The conference will focus mainly on the study of two types of sources: hagiography and sermon literature (although the study of other sources is not excluded). In particular, the conference seeks to approach the two sources simultaneously sources, these last addressing them a series of questions on the construction and dissemination of the image of a given saint.
     Presentations, only by invited speakers, will consider specific questions, with the ultimate goal of identifying the techniques and messages contained in hagiography and in sermones de sanctis to spread the new devotion to a saint, and/or to encourage or promote a person’s canonization.

Advance registration is required: send an email identifying yourself to:
No fee. Seating is limited, available on a first-come, first-served basis.


- Sala 203

9h00-9h15 Opening session / Sessão de abertura

Prof. Maria de Fátima Marinho, Diretora Faculdade de Letras
Provincial da Família Franciscana Portuguesa
Representante do Instituto de Estudos Medievais, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Luís Amaral, Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa, UCP
Maria Cristinha Cunha, Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar “Cultura, Espaço e Memória” - FLUP
José Meirinhos, Instituto de Filosofia, UP
Prof. Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, Vice-Rector of the Universidade do Porto


  1. Nicole Bériou (IRHT, Paris): Les vertus des saints dans les sermons de l'archeveque de Pise Federico Visconti
  2. Franco Morenzoni (Universitè de Genève): Hagiographie, pastorale et histoire dans les sermons pour la fête de Thomas Becket (XIIe - XVe s.)


  1. André Vauchez (Université Paris-Ouest) Les vertus dans les écrits de S. François d'Assise et les textes hagiographiques franciscains du XIIIe siècle
  2. Valentina Berardini (Università degli Studi di Macerata): Dominicus inter nebulas peccatorum positus radios sue clare vite lucidius diffundebat: preaching about virtues of Saint Dominic of Calaruega


  1. Alison Moore (Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen): Virtue and Reform: The Changing image of Clare of Assisi in the later Middle Ages
  2. Otto Gecser (Department of Sociology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest): The Virtues of St. Elizabeth in Medieval Latin Sermons
  3. Eleonora Lombardo (Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval, FLUP – Instituto de Estudos Medievais, UNL): "Multipliciter commendatur beatus Antonius. St. Anthony as model of virtues for Franciscan friars"


Round Table : Sermons and Hagiography in Medieval Portugal
Mesa redonda: Sermões e Hagiografia no Portugal Medieval

Chair : Zulmira Santos (Universidade do Porto)

  1. Gilberto Moiteiro (Instituto de Estudos Medievais – UNL)
  2. Paula Almeida (CITCEM - FLUP)
  3. Pedro Picoito (Instituto de Estudos Medievais – UNL)


23 March
- Sala 203


  1. Giovanni Paolo Maggioni (Università degli Studi del Molise): La figura di Pietro martire nelle raccolte di sermoni ‘de sanctis’ di Iacopo da Voragine
  2. Sophie Delmas (Université Lumiére - Lyon 2): Un saint refabriqué: les vertus de Louis d'Anjou à travers les sources pastorales et hagiographiques


  1. Stanislava Kuzmova (Central European University, Budapest): St. Stanislaus of Cracow as a Model of Virtues in Sermons and Hagiography
  2.  Isabel Dias (FCHS/Universidade do Algarve): Le thème de la vertu dans les sermons consacrés aux protomartyrs franciscains

14h30- 16h00

  1. Aires Augusto Nascimento (Universidade de Lisboa): Cânone de virtudes em santidade laical: a figura de Nuno de Santa Maria / Nuno Álvares Pereira, na lição do rei D. Duarte
  2. Maria de Lurdes Rosa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): O esquema de sermão de D. Duarte para as exéquias de D. João I: um rei santo ou um rei exemplar?

16h15 – 17h45

  1. Pietro Delcorno (Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen): "O felix adulecentia Bernardini!" – Bernardino da Siena as a Model for the Laity
  2. G. Ferzoco (University of Bristol): Wasted Models of Virtues? Reflections on the Use and Abuse of Late Medieval Canonizations


Conclusions and Closing session
Conclusões e sessão de encerramento

  1. Eleonora Lombardo, FLUP-FCSHUNL
  2. Maria de Lurdes Rosa, IEM - FCSHUNL
  3. José Meirinhos, GFM/IF - FLUP



Igreja de S. Francisco, Preaching of a Sermon of S. Anthony of Lisboa/Padova
Igreja de S. Francisco, Declamação de excertos de Sermões de S. António

Played by/Intérprete: Júlio Martin da Fonseca

This meeting is part of Eleonora Lombardo's post doc projet Sermons on Saint Anthony of Lisbon: between hagiography and orality (about 1232-1350), ref. SFRH/BPD/70408/2010, supervised by José Mattoso and José Meirinhos, respectively at the Instituto de Estudos Medievais (Lisboa) and the Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval (Porto). The meeting was integrated in the organisers activities programs.

Venue: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Room/Sala 203.
Scientific and Organizing Committee: Eleonora Lombardo; José Meirinhos; Maria de Lurdes Rosa; Zulmira Santos
Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval / Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto
Instituto de Estudos Medievais, FCSH da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar “Cultura, Espaço e Memória” - FLUP
Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa (UCP, Lisboa-Porto)
Província Portuguesa da Ordem Franciscana

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (fundos COMPETE ; QREN; União Europeia)

Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval
Faculdade de Letras
Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica s/n
4150-564 Porto

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