Summistae: The Commentary Tradition on Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae

De 17-10-2013 a 19-10-2013

Summistae: The Commentary Tradition on Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae - 16th to 18th Century

International Conference
Porto, 17-19 October 2013


Rationale abstract pdf

Leaflet pdf

Poster pdf




1st Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Iberian Scholastic Humanism (ISSISH)


17 October – Room 203


09h00 - 09h30 Opening Session

Professor Maria de Fátima Marinho Saraiva, Dean of the Faculty

José Francisco Meirinhos, Lidia Lanza, Marco Toste



Schabel, Chris (Nicosia) – Brinzei, Monica (Paris), Thomas Aquinas as Authority and the ‘Summa’ as Auctoritas in the Late Middle Ages

10h30-11h00 Break



Castellote, Salvador (Valencia), From the Immensity of God to the ‘Immaginary Space’ and the Possible Worlds in Suárez’ Metaphysics

Lanza, Lidia (Porto), Giustizia e penitenza nella Seconda Scolastica: ‘Summa Theologiae’ III, q. 85



Hattab, Helen (Houston), Creation and Subsistence: 17th Century Commentators on the Subsistence of Prime Matter and Substantial Forms

Lázaro Pulido, Manuel (Porto), La causalidad ejemplar en algunos profesores de Salamanca del siglo XVII: la recepción de Suárez

16h00-16h30 Break



Toste, Marco (Porto), Between Self-Preservation and Self-Sacrifice: The Debate in Second Scholasticism

Lamanna, Marco (Pisa), Lectures on the Summa theologiae at the Early Collegio Romano: Parra, Perera, Toledo


18 October Room 203



Mantovani, Mauro (Roma), Il confronto sul valore delle ‘cinque vie’ (ST I, q. 2, art. 3) in alcuni dei commenti universitari della Seconda Scolastica spagnola (sec. XVI-XVII)

Meirinhos, José Francisco (Porto), Imagination and the Internal Senses (ST I, q. 78, art. 4)

10h30-11h00 Break



Novotný, Daniel D. — Machula, Tomáš (České Budějovice), Angels and Place

Oliveira e Silva, Paula (Porto), The Concept ofius gentium’ – a Comparative Study Between Aquinas’ Definition inSumma theologiae’ IIa-IIae q. 57, and Some Commentaries on it Produced in Salamanca and Coimbra



Orrego Sánchez, Santiago (Santiago de Chile), Theories of continentia formalis and eminentialis of Perfections in God at Salamanca During the Second Half of the 16th Century

Poncela González, Ángel (Salamanca), El problema de la justificación racional de la potencia creadora divina en Tomás de Aquino y Suárez y su proyección histórica

16h30-17h00 Break



Renemann, Michael (Bochum), The ‘Reflexio virtualis’ as a Fundament for the ‘Libertas indifferentiae’

Duba, William (Fribourg), Thomas, Vienne and the Light of Glory as Viewed by the Summistae


19 October – Room 203


Agostini, Igor (Lecce), Il dibattito su ‘Summa theologiae’, I, q. 2, a. 2 nella teologia domenicana del XVII° secolo

Solère, Jean-Luc (Boston), The Status of Erroneous Conscience According to some Jesuit Commentators of the ‘Summa’

11h00-11h30 Break


11h30-12h30 - Closing session

Porro, Pasquale (Paris), Conclusioni

Meirinhos, José Francisco (Porto), Closing Remarks



Participation is free (limited number of places available).
If you wish to attend please send an email with your complete name and Institution to

Meeting project
Lidia Lanza
Marco Toste
This conference is part of the research project Iberian Scholastic Philosophy at the Crossroads of Western Reason: The Reception of Aristotle and the Transition to Modernity directed by J. Meirinhos and funded by FCT.

Organization: J. Meirinhos, L. Lanza, M. Toste

Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica s/n
4150-564 Porto

Instituto de Filosofia; Universidade do Porto
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; COMPETE; QREN; UE/Governo de Portugal

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