Iberian Scholastic Philosophy at the Crossroads of Western Reason: The Reception of Aristotle and the Transition to Modernity (ISPCWR)

Director: José Francisco Preto Meirinhos

Core researchers: Paula Oliveira e Silva; Manuel Lázaro Pulido
Scholarship: Marco Toste
International advisors: Jacob Schmutz; Santiago Orrego Sánchez
Evaluated and approved by FCT international pannel (2010)
Ref.: PTDC/FIL-FIL/109889/2009
Overall rating: Excellent
Funding 2011/2013: € 90.000,00
Duration: from 01.02.2011 to 31.06.2014


The so-called second scholastic (16th-17th centuries) had in the Iberian Peninsula one of its means of greater expression and creativity. The universities of Coimbra, Alcalá and Salamanca stand out for having hosted some of the most important philosophers of the time. Surpassed by the history of thought and science, under the weight of the theories attracting the philosophers of the new modernity, they were neglected for a long time. The thought of authors such as Francisco Suárez, Luís de Molina, Pedro da Fonseca, the Coimbra Jesuits, among many others, have earned growing attention in fields such as logics, epistemology, metaphysics and political philosophy. Many studies and projects have tried to shed light over these authors and their institutional context or time. However, there is still plenty to be studied. Many authors, with vast work and remarkable importance in their time, continue to be ignored or only briefly mentioned. Immense manuscript collections are yet to be studied in several Portuguese Libraries, such as Porto, Braga, Coimbra, Lisboa. On the other hand, it has never been carried out the long term study of these authors, besides their isolated contribution to the history of philosophy, including them in a movement that begins with the foundation of the universities in the 13th century. These are some of the lacunas this project aims to overcome from three thematic, yet articulated approaches.

Main areas

Three thematic axes, which were pivotal in 13th-17th Century philosophy, will be developed:
1) Metaphysics, beginning with the works by Suárez and John Poinsot and then analysing the works by their Peninsular antecedents, coord. by Paula Oliveira e Silva
2) Nature and the knowledge, paying special attention to the interconnections between physics, cosmology and epistemology, coord. by Manuel Lázaro Pulido;
3) Natural and positive law in the commentary traditions on Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics” V and on Aquina s “Summa Theologiae” Ia-IIae, qq. 90-97 (De legibus treatise), coord. by Marco Toste.

Activities and expected achievements

-- reading and analysis of the works of authors of the said period and on the fields defined in the project, with the discussion by the team in bi-monthly seminar
-- archive and library research to identify the manuscripts by or related to authors being studied
-- study of the manuscript and printed sources, as well of secondary literature
-- preparation of monographic studies (papers or books) on the subjects of the project
-- update of the research library (sources and studies) open to all those interested and to other projects
-- collaboration with the centres and unities that at the national and international levels focus on connected themes. The international consultants, due to their status and research activities, will play a pivotal role in establishing links with other institutions
-- edition of unpublished texts
-- bilingual editions of complete or selected philosophical texts (Molina, Fonseca, Poinsot, Suárez, etc.)
-- publication of specific work tools – dictionaries and lexicons – on the authors and the works produced at the time in Portugal and the main doctrines defended by them
-- cooperation with an international team (Brazil, Chile, Perou, Spain) on the transmission of Philosophy to Latin America, specially Brazil, in 16th-18th Century.

co-funded by FEDER (Eixo I do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC) do QREN).
COMPETE reference: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-015290.

International members
Pedro Mantas España (Universidad de Córdoba, España)
Laura Corso de Estrada (Universidad Católica de Argentina, Buenos Aires)


International cooperation with the projects

1) Scholastica Colonialis (Unisinos e PUCRS de Porto Alegre) directed by Prof. Roberto H. Pich and Alfredo Culleton, http://www.scholasticacolonialis.com/#!about/c6rt;

2) Scholastica Salmanticensis (SA378A11-1BOCYL 29/03/2011), directed by Prof. José Luis Fuertes - Universidad de Salamanca, Espanha;

3) Naturaleza y voluntad. La génesis de la contraposición entre causalidad natural y causalidad libre: De Escoto a Suárez (Ref.: FFI2010-15875), directed by Prof. María Cruz González-Ayesta (Universidad de Navarra, Espanha).


Main organized activities

Seminar: Percepção e visão nos conimbricenses (Oficina de tradução comentada de textos filosóficos latinos), M. C. Camps, 4 de Março – 1 de Abril – 6 de Maio – 3 de Junho, http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=265

Seminar: Aristotelismos medievais: (Projecto Escolástica Ibérica). Paula Oliveira e Silva (UP), A Metafisica de Aristóteles: comentários árabes e comentários latinos. FLUP, 25 de Novembro 2011 http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=326

Meeting (Roundtable discussion): “A tradução do De anima dos Conimbricenses (1598)”. Comunicações: Mário Santiago de Carvalho (Universidade de Coimbra); Maria da Conceição Camps (Universidade do Porto / GFM), José Maria da Costa Macedo (UP / GFM), Maria Teresa Santos (Universidade de Évora), Paula Oliveira e Silva (UP / GFM), Manuel Lázaro Pulido (UP / GFM), Gonçalo Figueiredo (UP / GFM), José Portugal Ramos (Universidade Estadual de Campinas - FLUP), José Meirinhos (UP / GFM). FLUP, 17 de Fevereiro de 2011. http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=246

International meeting: Metafísica, epistemologia e psicologia no De anima dos Conimbricenses (1598). FLUP, 20 e 21 de Outubro de 2011 http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=239

Seminar: Francisco Bertelloni (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Tres lecciones sobre La recepción de Aristóteles en la teoría política de los siglos XIII y XIV: el camino de la teoría política hacia la modernidad, FLUP, 30, 31 de Janeiro e 1 de Fevereiro de 2012 http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=323

Seminar:Eleonora Lombardo (GFM, Porto / IEM, Lisboa) Tra storiografia e fonti: introduzione alla storiografia e alle fonti per lo studio delle prime raccolte di sermoni latini francescani ed i Sermones di S. Antonio di Padova/Lisbona, 27 de abril, 4 de maio, 11 de maio, 25 de maio 2013. http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=374

Seminar: Maria Teresa Santos (Universidade de Évora), Luis de Molina e o De concordia: a polémica de auxiliis, FLUP, 14 de maio de 2012

Meeting (internal): Encontro de preparação de projetos de colaboração entre a Universidade do Porto e a Universidade de Salamanca para o estudo da Filosofia na Segunda Escolástica ibérica (séc. XV-XVII) A segunda escolástica: entre renascimento e transição, FLUP, 2 e 3 de novembro 2012

Annual colloquium: Colóquio internacional: Les “Auctoritates Aristotelis”, leur utilisation et leur influence chez les auteurs médiévaux. FLUP, 12 e 13 de outubro de 2012 http://ifilosofia.up.pt/gfm/?p=activities&a=ver&id=302



see: IF list http://ifilosofia.up.pt/?p=news&a=ver&id=34


Under construction: http://ifilosofia.up.pt/proj/aristport/


Membros que participam neste projecto

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