Philosophy of Education in the Portuguese-speaking World

Group Reference: RG-PHIL-Norte-Porto-502-2379
Time Interval: 2007-2010; 2011-2012; 2013-2014
Location of Group (Host Institution): Instituto de Filosofia / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Principal Investigador: Prof. Doutor Adalberto Dias de Carvalho


Structuration of the scientific community of philosophy of education in the Portuguese-speaking World

This project arises as a result of the development of the projects Philosophy of Education, Contemporaneity and Utopia, and Philosophy of Education and Principles of Human Rights (GFE). The studies accomplished and the contacts established with the Portuguese-speaking countries raised joint interests and concerns, and further revealed the lack of compatible supporting structures. Although keenly aware of the great diversity of situations, it was possible to identify one common goal to all the interested parties: the desire to establish a scientific community in the area of philosophy of education capable of supporting joint research and intervention initiatives.

Thus, the following comprises the project’s main aims:
1) Comprehensive inventory of existing productions in the different Portuguese-speaking countries and communities, in the field of philosophy of education and similar interdisciplinary areas;
2) To build an electronic database of research centres, universities and other resources;
3) To organise a thematic library;
4) To found and maintain an international journal in the Portuguese-speaking world;
5) To support the establishment and development of postgraduate training in philosophy of education;
6) To establish institutional relations with philosophy of education researchers and organisations operating in other cultural areas.

It should be pointed out that some of these initiatives are already at an initial stage of organisation, with established relations with researchers and institutions, particularly in Brazil, Cape Verde and Mozambique.

There are also plans to enlist the cooperation of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries and the Association of Portuguese-speaking Universities.

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