Research Projects & Applications / Projetos de investigação e Candidaturas

De 01-01-2013 a 31-12-2020

Funded Projects / Projetos financiados

Animal Rationale Mortale. A relação corpo-alma e as paixões da alma nos Comentários ao De anima de Aristóteles portuguesas do séc. XVI

Conversations on Pratical Rationality and Human Action

Iberian Scholastic Philosophy at the Crossroads of Western Reason: The Reception of Aristotle and the Transition to Modernity

Imago mundi - Medieval Philosophy in Text and Translation

Base de dados sobre a Matéria Cavaleiresca Portuguesa dos séculos XVI a XVIII

Pedro de Barcelos e a monarquia castelhano-leonesa: estudo e edição da secção final inédita da Crónica Geral de Espanha de 1344

Public Space: to see and to think the inheritance - promotion of cultural spaces and formation of cultural action technicians

The Bounds of Judgment - from Frege to cognitive agents and human thinkers

Rationality, Belief, Desire I - motivation to action from the viewpoint of the theory of mind (Sub-projecto do Projecto de Unidade

Rationality, Belief, Desire II - from cognitive science to philosophy

Science, Technology and Society: Multilineal Analysis of the Knowledge and Action Communities in the Cyberspace

Scholastica iberica. A filosofia em Portugal nos séculos XVI-XVII e a sua receção e desenvolvimento no novo mundo

To See or Not to See? Hallucinations in Multidisciplinary Perspective

Western Iberian Medieval Arthurian Inventory



Bial competition: Bursaries for scientific research

Estranged from Oneself: Depersonalization and Multisensory Integration in Autistic Embodiment


Investigador FCT Applications - 2014

Ann Giletti


Eleonora Lombardo
Italia / Portugal 


Jorge Leandro Rosa


Lidia Lanza
Italia / Portugal 


Mattia Riccardi
Italia / Portugal 



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